Gloiopeltis tenax 3/4 socks
beginning climate of summer solsticePetalonia binghamiae 1:1 socks
habonoriAcetabularia major 1:1 socks
Symploca hydnoides 1/2 socks
deep pool
Padina minor 3/4 socks
a couple of
Padina minor 3/4 socks
a couple of22

Cursive script 3/4 socks
soft breeze23

Cursive script 3/4 socks
running water24

Earthenware court lady with tricolor glaze 1:1 socks
frozen blush25

Zhong Kui 1:1 socks
dispel demons26

Zhong Kui 1:1 socks
ghosts bust27

Earthenware court lady with tricolor glaze 1:1 socks
eyebrow black28

Roof tile with design of a human face 3/4 socks

Textile with embroidery bird 3/4 socks

Textile with embroidery bird 3/4 socks
snow crane31